Training Information
Standard Training
In each of our Dojos we run classes that train in defences against many knife and gun threats and knife & physical attacks that may happen to us.
There are many defences (as there are many ways we can be attacked) and a great number of them have commonalities that reduce the amount of different routines / techniques that need to be learnt, remembered and applied. This is one of the aspects that put IKI Krav Maga at # 1 for the best ‘self defence’ system to learn.
We train against life threatening situations where violence is present but we also train in routines that can be used in social environments (Libraries, Hospitals, Universities, Schools and other Institutions) where physical harm is not needed, to subdue the other person, but rather where a firm method of strong restraint is more appropriate.
We teach highly effective and sometimes disabling or even lethal techniques of Close Quarters Combat and we therefore emphasize the legal aspects of our self ‘defence’ system.We invite you to visit one of our classes near you and personally experience why IKI Krav Maga is so effective and popular.
You do not have to be fit, agile or strong to practice our Krav Maga but it will help if you are.
Come share THIRTY MINUTES of your time with us and we will give you practical and effective basic defensive techniques that you will learn and can use IMMEDIATELY.
Our training is suitable for men and women of all ages.
Alternate / Additional Training (Dojo Members and the general Public)
- We run Anti-Hijacking Seminars where physical interaction with the attacker is avoided COMPLETELY.
- We run Anti-Hijacking Seminars where physical interaction with the attacker is avoided COMPLETELY.
- We run a UNIQUE Rifles & Shotgun weapons disarm Seminar.
- We train children in overcoming BULLYING in the schools. (As well as training for Teachers who are being bullied by the Students)
- We run an ‘Improvised Weapon’ Course. (Baton, Stick and Knife Course)
- We run a Basic Firearms and Intermediate Firearms Training course.